
The School of Education, Health and Human Performance at the College of Charleston recently received funding to establish a Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic® Learning Through Listening® Support Center. One of our charges is to provide information about Learning Ally™ (formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic®) to Lowcountry schools and agencies that help individuals with visual, learning, or physical disabilities.

Our presentation includes hands-on experiences with Learning Ally™ technology. At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will:

• Identify students who qualify for Learning Ally™ recorded materials; 

• Describe procedures for obtaining Learning Ally™ services; 

• Locate and order Learning Ally™ products; 

• Operate Learning Ally™ playback devices in CD and MP3 formats; and 

• Describe procedures for integrating Learning Ally™ technology into their classrooms. 

Please contact us to schedule a presentation or for more information.

Dr. Mike Skinner holding RFB&D Technology during presentation. Students working with RFB&D technology during presentation.